The Aspirarredo "Aria-Suite" system
Aria-Suite is the ideal solution for those who do not have central vacuum system setup. It can be installed easily and at any time, avoiding creating locations in walls, ceilings or floors.
With the innovative “Aria-Suite” system (world patented General D’Aspirazione), it is possible to install a centralized vacuum system in a home that has already been built and lacks the preparation.
The ‘Aria-Suite’ system can be installed easily and without any masonry work, using refined and non-invasive furnishing elements.
Thanks to the availability of various finishes, the Aria-Suite furniture elements are harmoniously adaptable to any home environment.
Want some more information?
Read our in-depth article and find out how to install a central hoover system without demolishing your house!
Aria-Suite: color variants
The Aspirarredo Aria-Suite system, is designed as a furniture complement, the ducting and sockets can be made in different colors.
Aria-Suite: technical characteristics
A. Wireless socket body
B. Semi-automatic grip body
C. Curved socket base
D. Straight gripper base
E. Oval tube support
G. Cover
H. Stud
I. Adapter 90°
L. T-drive
M. Flat bend 90°
O. Oval pipe sleeve
P. Linear pipe sleeve
Q. Internal angular pipe cover
R. Outside corner cover